Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Day 7: Boston to Ithaca

After leaving Arthur's house unlocked, because none of the multiple keys he left us could actually turn in the freakin' lock, we headed on down the road to Ithaca.

We drove the interstates most of the way, and here is my opinion of them: 1) ugly, and 2) expensive. Tolls are new to me. I do not like them.

On the plus side, we did finally purchase a road atlas at one of the ubiquitous service stations beside the interstate, so the chances of us getting lost decreased dramatically. Not to anything close to zero, mind you, but much farther away from 100%. :)

We headed off the interstate onto country roads through the Finger Lakes region. Beautiful area, I must say, with lots of interesting old houses. Plus the Harriet Tubman House, though we unfortunately didn't have time to stop and look. We bought fresh cherries and peas from an Amish woman, and made it to our campsite in plenty of time.

The campsite was small, our neighbours were grouchy, drinking car-campers, and some other campsite played loud, bad rock until late at night. On the plus side, the park was beautiful, and my new tent is AWESOME.

And, for dinner? The Moosewood Restaurant: Take One. Deeeee-lish.

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