Sunday, July 22, 2007

Day 17: Panama City

We took a day off to “rest” from our travels and hang with Panama City. Well, to “rest” as much as you can with two VERY high energy little boys (who were at least extremely entertaining, to make up for the lack of resting part. :P) We got up and Lindsay made us pancakes, and then we went swimming in their awesome pool. I thought this would be the perfect way to wake up EVERY day, but Lindsay assures me that it gets reeeeeal old after a year or two. Or three. They’re in the third year of a 4-year stretch in Panama City, and I think they’re itchin’ to get home. And I think this because they said it.

Lindsay, Anja and I saw the new Harry Potter film in the afternoon. It was kinda meh. I haven’t seen any Harry Potter movies since the first one (though I’ve read the books), and I don’t feel like I was missing much.

Then we cleaned out our car and our cooler, re-packed, wrote postcards, and enjoyed more delicious food. Rest days are fun.

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