Saturday, July 14, 2007

Day 15: Savannah to Brunswick, GA

This was our shortest driving day planned; it's only about an hour and a half drive from Savannah to Brunswick. We spent the morning wandering around some of Savannah's historic mansions, taking pictures, buying postcards, and wandered into a wool shop, where we both attempted to buy the final copy of a particular knitting book. Anja won, so we headed off to find a Barnes and Noble, where I bought another copy. We also bought a couple of trivia/games books to do while driving, because we had begun telling each other the same stories for a third time, and we needed something else to talk about.

Apparently, my knowledge of American history is superior to Anja's, her knowledge of world history is superior to mine, and both of us can come up with hundreds of answers to "logic" questions that are just as plausible as the ones the book identifies as the "correct" ones.

We went to Brunswick to spend the night at the Hostel in the Forest. There's an extremely rutted 1/2 mile dirt road you have to follow to get to the hostel parking lot, which was not the most fun thing ever to drive in my tiny Echo, but we made it. Friends of mine recommended the Hostel and met us there with their two girls, and we went skinny-dipping in the warmest lake imaginable. It was heavenly. Right up until the moment when we went to go put our clothes back on and realised we'd left them right near a fire ant nest.




We hiked back to the main dome of the hostel, slapping ourselves and jumping around like fools, but were able to calm down long enough to eat the delicious vegetarian meal that other hostellers had prepared - each night a vegetarian feast is made available to everyone staying. It was very delicious, but we missed the circle that everyone gathers into before the meal (what with the squirming kids and the biting bugs), so we didn't really know any of the other hostellers. We sat around a fire for a bit after, then played fish with the kids, and then Anja and I headed to bed.

In our treehouse. :)

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