Monday, July 9, 2007

Day 2: Chalk River to Montreal

I got up at 5:45 a.m. in Chalk River, downed a cup of "coffee" (I miss the wet coast...), and got on the road to meet my sister for breakfast. In Ottawa. At 8:30 a.m.

Yeah, it seemed about that good an idea to me, too, at about 6:30 in the morning, after I'd had about 4 1/2 hours of sleep. I've never had that much trouble keeping my eyes open while driving before. I'd like to thank all of the drivers heading into Kanata that morning for not doing anything stupid that would have required me to call upon any kind of defensive driving skills. Ugh.

After Ottawa (where I held Ryland, what a cutie!!), I drove on to Montreal (more awake after the 4 shots of espresso I purchased at breakfast with my sister), where I arrived just in time to help set up for a 2nd birthday party for my friends' oldest child, Ben. I'm exhausted, cranky, dirty, and wearing the same clothes I had on the day before, looking forward to spending an afternoon with screaming children.

I put up balloons and streamers, and then had a shower. And talked to the only other childless woman there. She seemed to hold on to me rather desperately; I think she'd been through the ritual before.

After the birthday came Wii, which made it all worthwhile. Vinny and Tasha have the best toys. :)

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