Sunday, July 22, 2007

Day 22: Still Austin

Today, for the first time in the road trip, it rained cats and dogs. I mean, it’s rained before, but only when I was driving (especially at night); it’s never actually rained on a day when we wanted to go walking around. So Anja clearly picked the right time to leave. Or Mom brought her Seattle weather with her. Whichever.

Mom and I had to walk down to a big Austin book store where I had bought a ticket to the Harry Potter book launching that evening. I am actually not a huge Harry Potter fan, despite what impression I may be giving you, what with the movies and the books. On the other hand, I have read all of the other six books, and I really didn’t want to be spoiled for the last book. And I have no doubt people will be running around trying to spoil the book. Plus, a girl I know in Austin was going by herself, so I figured I could go with her.

Anyways, unnecessarily defensive overexplanations aside, Mom and I had to wander down to the bookstore, so we essentially walked through the same areas Anja and I had seen the day before. We got the tickets, wandered the bookstore, then stopped in to the Whole Foods across the street. Where they had a delicious salad bar!! And calzones! Mmmmmm!

We wandered back to the motel, where Mom had a nap and I wrote more postcards, and then went out again to meet up with some imaginary friends for dinner. Well, real friends, that I had only known online up to that point. They were just as great as I had anticipated, plus I had draught Guinness! Though the waiter made fun of my request for a pint. Whatever.

After dinner? Harry Potter madness at the bookstore. There were, I swear, more than 1000 people in the parking lot of the bookstore, many in costume. Stalls were set up, there was a band playing…it was crazy. They apparently gave out 1500 vouchers for books, but it looked like some people had doubles. I had #606, and I had the book by about 12:30 a.m., so at least they were moving it quick!

Then we came home, and I read the book. Not *all* night, but…uh…longer than I had intended. But I did stop and sleep, I swear!

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